Get advice, share insights, and move your career forward when you connect with fellow SAP Concur users.
Just you and 120,000+ of your newest, closest friends
The SAP Concur Community is 120,000+ members strong and growing every day. Here, existing customers and curiosity seekers from organisations of all sizes, across industries, and around the world come together to learn, share ideas, connect with peers and industry leaders, and advance their careers.
We provide the forum (in person and online) for you to share, connect, and get the most from your SAP Concur investment.
Connect with like-minded people and businesses for help implementing best practices, adding products, and optimising your solutions.
With over 45,000 customers and 66 million users around the world, our community is the largest in the travel, expense, and AP industry.
In-person and virtual events like Fusion and Fusion Exchange provide an opportunity to be a seen as a thought leader by industry peers.
Leverage and compare insights from thousands of our customers to better understand the ins and outs of your SAP Concur solutions.
We provide user groups, leadership councils, and a digital community to help you grow your network and transform your business.
We frequently survey our community to understand industry challenges and needs. That way we can provide relevant content, forums, and events.
Hear from thought leaders across industries and get the diverse perspectives you need to make informed decisions for your organisation.
SAP Concur trainings, support, and resources
Whether you’re an administrator, user, or simply want to learn more about our products, we have the tools, trainings, and expertise you need to make the most of your SAP Concur solutions.
Please complete the form or call +61 2 9935 4672 in Australia and +64 9 355 5863 in New Zealand to discuss how we can tailor our solution to your business needs.